For the past few years, Dave Grohl has been up to something, if nothing everything. But Wednesday night on The Late Late Show With James Corden, the Foo Fighters frontman was stump by himself, literally. Grohl couldn’t name some of his own band’s songs during the “James That Tune” segment.

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Alongside Hilary Duff, Corden began busting out some not-so-great piano skills on a kids’ electronic keyboard. After he played the chorus of the first song, Corden pointed at Grohl and said “You should know it.” “Is it “‘Everlong?’” Grohl initially guessed. It actually was “Learn To Fly” (But to be fair, no one could really guess). Oops.

The exact situation above happened a second time, but Grohl appeared even more so done with Corden’s playfulness. The host attempted to mimic the next song’s drums (yes, on the keyboard) and it wound up being “My Hero,” which Grohl couldn’t guess either.

As Corden slowly begins the third and final song, in classic Grohl fashion, he turns to Duff to discuss Smashburger. Corden even barely mouths the words this time, and Grohl funnily responds, “I know what song it is, but I’m afraid to say it for fear that people will think it sounds like that. But if I say it, will you stop? … It’s ‘Best of You.’”

Dave Grohl may have been one for three, but deep down, we all know he probably could have guessed them all right.

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