If you’ve ever wanted to get your hands on Fyre Fest merch, here’s your chance.

U.S. Marshals are auctioning off leftover merchandise from the ill-fated event in order to pay back victims of the fraudulent event.

The 126 lots include a variety of items, including Fyre Festival hats, hoodies, sweatpants, wristbands, and tokens. According to Mashable, the bids started between $5 to $65, depending on the item. Some of the prices are, as of writing, up to around $200.

Festival organizer Billy MacFarland pled guilty to fraud and making false statements to law enforcement. He is currently serving a six-year jail sentence and set to be released in 2023.

“The proceeds from the sale of these items, all traceable to McFarland’s $26 million fraud, will go toward the victims of his crimes,” a quote from the Marshals’ site says.

Last year, Marshals told Vulture that they had an “assortment of the ‘real thing’ Fyre Festival-branded,” and they weren’t kidding.

You can see the list of items for sale here. The auction ends on Aug. 13.

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