Tag: System of a Down

John Dolmayan of System of a Down Calls Democrats ‘True Fascists,’ ‘True Bigots’

System of a Down’s drummer John Dolmayan is back on Instagram with another politically charged post, as he wished the president a “happy birthday” on Sunday and called Democrats “the true bigots hidden in plain sight from the same party who fought to maintain slavery.” Dolmayan has previously said his political leanings set him apart […]

June 15, 2020

System of a Down’s John Dolmayan Praises Trump, Serj Tankian Calls for President to Resign

System of a Down singer Serj Tankian and drummer John Dolmayan have both been very vocal about the current state of the U.S. But while the two play together harmoniously, their political views couldn’t be any more different. Tankian has been known for his strong left-wing views. And in addition to sharing information on the […]

June 4, 2020